Wednesday, August 28, 2013

book 3, lines 175-185 (Amy) - 8/28

As soon as he entered the cave [which was] dripping from the fountain, as they were the naked nymphs, at the sight of a man, beat their breasts and filled all the forest with unexpected cries, and protected the body of Diana with their own; however, the goddess herself is higher than those, and head and neck overtop as far as all. The face of Diana, seen there, without clothes, was the color of the clouds stained by the hits of opposing sun or the dark red of dawn (Aurora).

1 comment:

David Kowalik said...

Here the woodland goddess, weary from the chase, would bathe her virgin limbs in the crystal liquid.
Having reached the place, she gives her spear, quiver and unstrung bow to one of the nymphs, her weapon-bearer. Another takes her robe over her arm, while two unfasten the sandals on her feet. Then, more skilful than the rest, Theban Crocale gathers the hair strewn around her neck into a knot, while her own is still loose. Nephele, Hyale, Rhanis, Psecas and Phiale draw water, and pour it over their mistress out of the deep jars. While Titania is bathing there, in her accustomed place, Cadmus’s grandson, free of his share of the labour, strays with aimless steps through the strange wood, and enters the sacred grove. So the fates would have it.